Reading Comprehension on the Gmat- How fast do you read?

Reading Comprehension on the Gmat

Advanced reading comprehension on the Gmat Verbal is the core skill required for a good verbal score. More than just how fast you read, how well you understand what you have just read is more important. For example, did you need to go back and re-read the first sentence? That would be …

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Gmat Critical Reasoning – How to improve

Gmat Critical Reasoning

To many, Gmat critical reasoning is the hardest section to improve, especially with little time left to prepare. Unlike quant and sentence correction, critical reasoning does not have a set of rules or syllabus you should learn. However, you can improve your performance if you are more process oriented. You should: …

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Gmat Quant – Paint a clear picture

Gmat quant

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so goes the saying. That cannot be more true on the Gmat. Remember that on average, you have 2 min per Gmat Quant question, and just under 2 min per Verbal question. You do not have time to waste, and you must …

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GMAT Quant: The power of visualization

Gmat Big Picture

Visualization is a very powerful technique on the Gmat. In another blog, we demonstrate the value of the technique in answering data sufficiency questions. When you present the problem visually, it becomes easier to pan out the possible outcomes, recognize a pattern,  and make less careless mistakes. Particularly in data …

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