GMAT Percentiles and Score Calculator

gmat score grid

GMAT Score Calculator GMAT Score Calculator Quantitative Score (60-90): 75 Verbal Score (60-90): 75 Data Insights Score (60-90): 75 Calculate Total Score What are GMAT percentiles? Gmat percentiles express your performance in comparison to the pool of all GMAT test takers over the course of three years. For example, if …

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Exam Pack 2 – Is it really worth your money?

Exam pack 2

Please don’t waste Exam pack 2 The worst thing you can do with the exam pack 2 is take them too soon or too often. When is too soon? Try this quiz and if you don’t get a perfect score then you can still do a lot more before the …

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A good Gmat score: What is required?

Gmat score

For most,  700+ is a good gmat score. So, what is required to achieve that score? Refer to the canvass above as we expand on its different elements and highlight common questions aspiring test takers have, such as: “Why haven’t I improved after months of studying?”, “why can some people achieve a …

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Gmat Quant skills: Rephrasing & deconstructing questions

GMAT Quant skills

Two crucial Gmat quant skills I recommend you begin to develop early in your gmat preparation is rephrasing and deconstructing questions into their individual components. Deconstruction will help you realize the steps you need to take to solve the problem. Rephrasing, when possible, can help you think of the problem …

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Learn from your mistakes during your Gmat practice

Gmat practice

Perhaps that is the best piece of advice you can follow during your Gmat practice. Quality is more important than quantity. To improve, you must review your mistakes during your preparation. If you are stuck in Gmat limbo and not improving, then you are probably not learning from your mistakes. You …

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How to prepare for the GMAT

Gmat prep

A GMAT prep plan involves a journey that challenges many. Why? It is a difficult test in that it has an unusual format compared to most other tests you have had. There are many Gmat prep materials available to choose from. Where do you start? It tests skills that are …

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