Please don’t waste Exam pack 2
The worst thing you can do with the exam pack 2 is take them too soon or too often. When is too soon? Try this quiz and if you don’t get a perfect score then you can still do a lot more before the next practice test
Because the GMAT is a reasoning test you must give yourself time to improve. If you are far off from your target score this means about 4 to 8 weeks of more preparation. Many candidates end up in a rabbit whole of practice tests and derive very little value out of their prep and waste valuable prep material. The last thing you want is the same score or a lower score on the GMAT – have you been there?
When to use EXAM PACK 2
Use the exam packs only after you have analyzed your failures on your last practice test. Put in at least another 40 hours of solid practice, targeting any weaknesses in your foundations or reasoning process between practice tests.
Should you buy Exam Pack 2?
Absolutely. The Graduate management admission council (GMAC)’s 2 new practice tests.“Exam Pack 2” include two more from the real makers of the test priced at $49.99 and are as close to the real test experience as you can get. They will be worth every penny, BUT, to derive the most value you can out of them give yourself the opportunity to improve first.
With this new release, you will have a total of 6 CATs (Computer Adaptive Tests) to prepare yourself for the real test. Two free tests that you can download here, in addition to Exam Pack 1 and Exam pack 2.
Of course, the GMAT is big business and GMAC’s main objective from this is to make money. Don’t let this sway you away from buying the tests. Instead of buying the CATs of test prep companies, buy these two tests because:
- No CAT test that you can buy from a prep company can simulate the computer adaptive testing environment as the official CAT can. That’s just common sense. Furthermore, the scoring algorithm is the same as the real one on test day and no test prep company on the market comes close to replicating it.
- Official practice tests are an excellent predictor of the score you will get on the real test. Almost every one of my students scores within +/- 10 points of their last practice test score.
- Practice makes perfect, and good practice with relevant material is even more perfect.
The key to improving
They key to improving and scoring well on the GMAT is not by doing 10s of practice tests, but by identifying your weaknesses, creating a study plan and sticking to it, and practicing with official GMAT questions. In addition to questions in the official guides, practice includes taking CAT tests throughout the duration of your preparation to gauge your performance and improvement. Six practice tests will be more than enough to do that.