Tell me about you Δ
List all your real GMAT Test scores (Total, Quant, Verbal)
Do you generally run out of time towards the end of the test?
List all MOCK test scores (Total, Q, V). Add R for repeat
Did you take the mock tests under exam conditions?
For the mock test scores that are repeats, state whether you:
What study material did you use? (Choose if you completed more than 50%)
Official guide Quant review (300 questions) Verbal review (300 questions)
How long have you been preparing for
If you'e jogging and someone is jogging behind you, do you:
Do you already have a plan for your vacation?
Do you submit your tax returns ahead of time or wait till the last moment?
Do you send voice notes on whatsapp?
List any courses you have taken or add any info you deem relevant
Where did you hear about gmatbuddy?